Friday, July 17, 2009

Writer's Block

I don't know what it is, but I have had writer's block lately. I sit down at the computer, hoping a great idea to blog about will come to me and I get nothing. I actually thought of a fun topic the other night as I was going to sleep, but wouldn't you know that in the morning, I had completely forgotten it!

While writer's block in my personal life is pretty bad, it's not nearly as bad as writer's block at work. Which it just so happens, I also have. I have two reports I need to be working on. One I actually told my boss I'd have a first draft to him by next Wednesday before I leave for vacation. What do I have? Nothing. Nada. Zip. I sit with my fingers on the keyboard, but nothing comes to me. I end up thinking "Oh, I need to check email," or "I wonder what my favorite bloggers have said today?" or "Hmm, let's see what's happening on Facebook." Yes, all of these distractions are not helping with my writer's block. How am I supposed to have a first draft done in 3 days when I can't concentrate long enough to put a title on my paper?!? This is bad. Very, very bad.

So, the other day, as I was busy procrastinating, I decided to come up with some photography equipment that I really need. Yes, NEED (not to be confused with want). As in, I want, um, I mean need, it now . . . or even yesterday. But, unfortunately, until I find a wad 'o' cash stuffed under my mattress, I will not be able to afford these things for awhile. Although, on the bright side, we finally have some money built up to start paying ourselves! Yippeee! So, I will be taking my small, yet very appreciated, paycheck from Woodland Fields Photography, and stuffing it under my mattress, in hopes of accumulating that wad 'o' cash needed for the following items:

Item #1:
Canon Eos 5D Mark II Camera
I desperately need another camera body so that I can have two bodies with different lenses attached. This will help me IMMENSELY when I'm trying to capture two different types of shots but don't have time to waste switching out lenses. And the 5D comes highly recommended! Of course many pros use this camera, but the best part is that my primo inspiration lately - Jasmine Star - uses this camera. I love, love, love her work. Go ahead, check her out. No, wait a minute. Don't check her out until you finish this post. If you go now, you may never come back to me. :-( Anyway, I do need a new camera body, so why not go for the best (or close to the best - there is an Eos 1D Mark III body that looks A-MAZING! But unfortunately, it is $4000, so I will leave that for another day). Anyway, take a look at this baby:

Item #2:
Canon 16-35mm f/2.8L
This is another beauty used by non other than J*. I had already made the decision that my next lens purchase was going to be a wide-angle lens. This is a necessity for me. And why not go for the one that my inspiration raves about? And, to Jeremy's immense anquish, I have moved on to L series lenses. Yes, they cost a pretty penny, but are worth it. And besides, every pro must have a "red line" lens!

Item #3:
Canon 24-70mm f/2.8L
This is another wide-angle lens, but not as wide as the previous one. J* discusses how this was one of her first lenses and she used it all the time. It's like a cuddly old teddy bear - there may be others out there, but this one is so comfortable you keep coming back to it. I really haven't decided if I want this one first or the 16-35 first honestly. I JUST CAN'T DECIDE!!! PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME! I'm not sure which one I'd get the most use out of initially. This one is a little cheaper, and since I like to consider myself frugal, I may end up opting for this one first only because of cost. But we shall see . . . .

Ok, those are the biggies. Yes, there are other items I'd like. Such as a tripod, an additional flash, some filters, a fisheye. You know, secondary items. But I won't bother in listing those now. That is another post for another day. Besides, I've already spent around $5,300 on my top 3 items (figuratively speaking of course, since I haven't actually purchased any of them yet)! Ouch! I've got to get a side job. Oh wait. This IS my side job. Uh-oh. I'm in trouble.


RowdyReptile said...

That's some great equipment you've got on your list. One of my friends has the 5DII and is very happy with it, of course! I'd look at the 17-40 f/4 L as a compromise on the wide end, though. You give up one stop, for half the price of the 16-35 f/2.8 L.

Ashley said...

Thanks for the suggestion Brad! I really like the low aperature though - they are my favs! Unfortunately, they also are more expensive! But I'll check out the 17-40mm too.