Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas 2009

Well Christmas is over and 2010 is almost here. I should be sad, but I got some great loot from Santa and I'm actually ready for 2010. Santa Jeremy was very good to me this year. Check out all of these presents! (No, they weren't all mine!)

Jeremy managed - once again - to completely surprise me with my presents. One of the biggies was new bikes! From the day we moved into Southwood I said that I wanted bikes. There are so many trails out here that are great for cruising on a bike. Plus, I have been told there are some great trails around Tallahassee. I have no personal knowledge of these since I haven't owned a bike since I was in elementary school. But I have it on good authority that the St. Marks Trail is a fun one. So we will eventually have to work our way up to biking it. But right now, I ride for 10 minutes and my butt is killing me. I guess I need to condition my butt to enjoy sitting on an itty-bitty bicycle seat. Anyone know any exercises that will help? ;-)

Jeremy did a great job picking out my bike too. I love the color and design he picked for me! Unfortunately, I don't have any photos, but I will try to take some and post them later. And at some point this weekend we have to go pick out our helmets. I know I'm going to look like a complete dork, but safety over fashion right? Unless you're Carrie Bradshaw of course.

Jeremy also came through with my Shootsac! I LOVE it! And he found the pattern I really wanted: Classic Fling. I didn't have much confidence - I hate to say it - because when I went to the Shootsac website prior to Christmas I didn't see either of my favorite patterns. I was devastated. But I should know to never doubt Jeremy. He found the one I wanted on another website and purchased it. So surprise number two!

And the best surprise of all? Well, it was actually from the parents, but Jeremy had a hand in it. My own MacBook Pro!!!!!!! Oh yes, pigs are flying. I never in a million years expected to get this laptop! But it is AMAZING!!!! I feel like such a cool kid now. I think there may have been dual motivations for the laptop - I think my father-in-law was ready to get his Dell laptop back that I had absconded with awhile back. But, whatever the reason, I'll take it!

Oh, I almost forgot my Christmas Eve present from Jeremy. FOOTIE PAJAMAS!!! Now, compared to bikes, or a shootsac, or a laptop, I'm sure footie pajamas don't sound like much. But the pajamas were one of my favorite presents. They are AWESOME! So comfy AND practical - they do a great job of keeping my feet warm. I honestly don't care if it looks like I've reverted back to being a toddler. I love my footie pajamas!

And to top it all off, my wonderful husband woke up extra early on Christmas Eve and went to Publix to find me a cooked turkey! There was just a small lack of communication when it came to food prep for the holidays. I just automatically assumed we were having turkey for Christmas dinner at Jeremy's parent's house. But, I guess steak is their tradition for Christmas - which is what I was planning on cooking for Christmas Eve dinner. So I was devastated thinking that there was no way for us to have turkey considering it was late on the 23rd. But Jeremy went online, did some research, made some calls, and found me a turkey. A big, wonderful turkey! So my mom and I spent the 24th cooking the rest of the sides and we had a traditional Thanksgiving dinner for Christmas Eve. It was wonderful. But not nearly as wonderful as Jeremy for going out and finding me my turkey. I couldn't ask for a better husband!

So Christmas was all it should be - family, yummy food, fun presents, and lots of happiness. It really was a Christmas miracle - no one got on each others nerves!! And I think part of that had to do with this little one: Lucky.

Yes, my parents went out and bought a puppy two weeks before Christmas. But that little dog brought joy to us all. We were all a little worried about how Kai and Sequoia would handle having a new baby in the house. But they were amazingly great with the puppy and although Lucky was a little intimidated by Kai he still tried to play with her. Mom and dad have a handful with Lucky, but he sure is worth it. So I will close with some photos of the cutie!

One of the three dogs:

Lucky sitting for a treat:

1 comment:

cmd graphics said...

ooooohhhh so jealous you got the mac book pro!!!! i'm thinking about getting one... maybe sometime this year or next. i love the idea of taking my work with me.