Thursday, January 21, 2010

2010 Goals

I seriously can't believe how far behind I am on posting. I mean, it's already like the middle of January and I haven't gotten around to posting my new year's resolutions - or goals as a friend of mine likes to call them (and I tend to agree with her that it's a better term).

So without further ado:

Goal #1:
Spend more quality time with Jeremy. Interpret this as you like. It has multiple meanings anyway. But the overall theme is that I want to spend more one-on-one time with him. No TV, no parents, no dogs . . . ok, that last one might be asking too much. But we'll see. We are so bad about getting caught up in life that we often don't take the time to just be together. We have a long, hard day and want to do nothing more than come home, have a glass of wine (or a bourbon in Jeremy's case) and watch TV. I admit it - this is a GREAT evening for me. After all, I love my wine and I love TV just as much. But then sometimes I realize, wow, I haven't spoken 5 full sentences to Jeremy today. Come on - I know I'm not the only one out there that goes through this. Right? RIGHT? RIGHT?!? So anyway, goal number one is quality time - however I can get it!

Goal #2:
Eat healthier. Yah, I know. This and the "work out" or "lose weight" are always on people's lists (get ready for goal #3 by the way....) And usually everyone fails miserably at these types of goals. I admit, I have. But so far we have been doing OK with the eating healthier goal. I'm not going to lie and say we've done a complete 180 with our eating habits because we haven't. But what I have done is made sure we always have a salad with our dinner and usually another veggie as well. I know. It doesn't sound like much. But for us this is huge. We are the family that used to think ribs and tater tots alone classified as a complete meal. You laugh, but I'm not kidding. So recently when I made our ribs and tater tots, I also made us a salad AND asparagus! That's right folks - two veggies were on that plate. And you know what that meant? It meant we ate less ribs and tater tots. So I say that is an accomplishment. We will eventually have to up our "eat healthier" game, but for now I definitely say we get an A+ for effort in this category.

Goal #3:
Be more active. There you have it. You knew it was coming and here it is. I sort of have to laugh at this one myself. Because we haven't done much of anything to get the ball rolling on this goal. It's just, well, it's been so darn cold. And that makes it hard to want to be active. But I am proud to say that last weekend we rode our new bikes (that we got for Christmas in an attempt to accomplish goal #3) for 1.5 hours. In fact, we could have been gone for longer, but I don't actually remember the time we left the house. Anyway, it was at least 1.5 hours. Which I have to say is HUGE! We hadn't ridden bikes in years and we go for that long?! Yah, I was proud. And more importantly, I was sore. Let me tell you, bikes HURT your, well, you know . . . . private area. I felt like I'd had sex for about 5 hours straight after that bike ride . . . . and I actually had almost the same sense of satisfaction as well. LOL OK, too much information I know. So, yes, I was extremely sore afterwards. We took the dogs for a walk after the bike ride and I almost fell coming down the front steps because my legs were like jello. It was quite comical. But we did it. We rode our bikes. And I can't wait until the weather gets nicer so we can go more often.

So those are my three main goals. I'm sure I could think of some other things (save more money, eat out less, etc.) but I wouldn't want to overwhelm myself.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Great make it work for yoU!