Sunday, February 21, 2010

I did it!

We had two beautiful days here this weekend! So guess what I did? That's right, I got off my butt and went outside and did some cardio. [gasp] Yes, I know this is somewhat shocking to those who know me. But let's face it, not that many people actually read this! LOL It's not that I abhor working out or never do it; I just haven't done it, well, since Thanksgiving. Yup, that's about right. I haven't worked out since Turkey Day. There are many "reasons" why (it's the holiday season, the days are shorter so it gets darker earlier, it's too cold), but the truth is, I haven't wanted to. That and, well, it HAS been too cold for me to want to get up at the crack of dawn to work out. So I've been lax. And now with the legislative session about to start in a week, there will be no time for working out. I'm not exaggerating; I really will have no time. During session I generally work from 8 a.m. until midnight. So, yah, getting up at 6 a.m. to work out is not my idea of a good time during this time of year. Although, if our committee meetings stay on their current course (Thursday at 8 a.m.) I'll have to get up at 6 a.m. Wednesday and Thursday regardless, so at that point I might as well get up the same time Monday, Tuesday, and Friday and work out. Yah . . . we'll see. Not likely. But I guess there is always a chance I could stick with that.

Anyway, it was gorgeous here this weekend. So Saturday, Jeremy and I went out for a bike ride. It was great! We got bikes for Christmas and have only had the opportunity to ride them 3 times! Like I said, it's been cold . . . and rainy . . . . So we went riding yesterday and loved it. Then today we took the dogs for a walk around the neighborhood. I love when I can let them off leash because it allows me to walk faster and get more of a workout. When they are on the leash they always want to stop and sniff. I know, I know - they're dogs and that's what dogs do. But sheesh! But when they are off leash then I can continue to walk and they can catch up with me. It's perfect. Plus, I think they tend to get more exercise because they have the ability to run around more.

Did I mention that my dogs are also on a diet? Yah, well, that's a post for another day . . .

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Yeah! great job getting out!