Friday, June 4, 2010

Am I Human?

I'm so ready to crawl into a hole and die. Or at least stay there until I feel somewhat human again. I had two days, two wonderful days, of feeling really normal again. And then it was gone. We went to Waco, Texas over Memorial Day weekend to visit Jeremy's brother and his family. They just moved into this huge compound and I am not exaggerating when I call it that. The place is massive. But I guess when you're breeding you're own small army it has to be. But it was beautiful. I did take photos. And no they are not attached to this post. They are still on my camera in true Ashley fashion. I bet you guys wonder how I ever became a photographer huh? LOL Good question. I'm actually pretty good about my client's photos - getting them off the camera immediately, uploading into Lightroom, backing them up, editing, etc. But then again - those people are PAYING me. When it comes time for personal photos, I just don't have the energy. It's weird, I know. I'm weird, I get it. Deal with it.

So we get to the compound last Thursday. We basically chilled around the house, playing games, watching movies, and swimming. There was lots and lots of swimming. But it was fabulous. And Friday and Saturday? Yup. Those were my two days of normal. My "morning sickness" (aka, feeling nauseas all day long - especially when I was hungry - but not wanting to eat anything because nothing sounded appetizing) was gone! I woke up feeling great. All day I felt great. I ate as I pleased. I even had some meat for dinner without the urge to vomit (although I only had a very small amount!). It was pure bliss. I finally had reached that stage in the second trimester where I was going to start feeling like a human being again. Sunday I still felt pretty decent but I did wake up with a case of pink eye. From where, I have no clue. I had been around 3 rugrats (two of whom had gone to birthday parties....) but none of them had it. Oh well. I did. Joy. But still, overall, I'm feeling pretty good.

Then Monday morning hit. It's 3 a.m. and I have my head in the toilet throwing up. But trust me, this was NOT related to the pregnancy. Oh no. I had felt like this once before. Back in my second year of law school, it's spring break, and Jeremy and I had gone to California to go skiing. And somehow I came down with some 24 hour bug - and it just so happened to be on the day we had to drive across the Sierra Nevada (yah, I'm horrible at geography, so I'm not exactly sure what mountain range it was....) from Reno to Mammoth Lakes. It's like 3-4 hours of nothing. Complete nothingness. And you're on winding mountain roads with no place to pull over. That is when I learned the art of throwing up in gallon sized ziploc bags. Yah, pleasant image huh?

Well that is how I felt Monday morning. OH and guess what. Another travel day. Monday we were leaving to come back to Tallahassee. Needless to say, I threw up again getting ready to go to the airport, threw up in the car on the way to the airport, threw up in the Dallas airport, and again on the flight from Dallas to Tallahassee. Let me just put it on the record that airplane throw-up bags are made for children. They are so small and the opening is not nearly wide enough. I totally felt like I was going to get it everywhere. But I didn't. I succeeded! I was so proud of myself. For all of 1 minute until I wanted to throw up again.

I know, this is all TMI. Whatever. You are my friends. Hence you get to know all of the gross details. So that's where I've been: sick. Luckily, all of the nausea ended on Monday. But Tuesday I woke up with a sore throat and a headache from Hades. Plus, all this time I had horrible body aches. Ugh. I finally went to the doctor on Wednesday, just to be told it is "viral." Those are the WORST words ever. Seriously. When you are feeling like shit and you want nothing more than to fall into a deep drug-induced coma so you don't have to suffer anymore, the last thing you want to hear is that whatever you have is viral. Because that means no drugs. No magic pill to help it all go away. Granted, even if they had a magic pill for what I had, I probably wouldn't have been allowed to take it. You know, being pregnant and all [rolling my eyes]. But I would have at least liked to have felt justified when I told people I had the flu. Because that's what it felt like. But no - it's VIRAL. Blah. They were able to give me something for the pink eye though. Some nice little eye drops that burn the cotton-pickin corneas out of your eyes. Oh my gosh they hurt. And this morning - I woke up with more crusties. I don't think this burning eye drop solution is working. And I'm pissed. But I'll give it a few more days.

Anyway, so that's where I've been. Home sick all week. I came in to work yesterday. Big mistake. I felt horrible the whole time. I came in late, took a long lunch, and left early though. But still. I should have stayed home and slept. I'm feeling A TAD better today, but still not very good. This is the longest a sickness has ever stuck around with me - at least in recent memory. So I don't know what to think. I guess I'll just continue to "get lots of rest and drink lots of fluids." Since that's the only prescription I'll get. Please, please, let me start to feel human again!

If you made it to the end of this post without feeling queasy. Congratulations! You are a real trooper and I appreciate your loyalty. Now if you want to slip me a few drugs, I'd really appreciate it . . . .

1 comment:

Vica said...

Being sick Sucks especially when pregnant! I hope you feel better soon.