Friday, June 25, 2010


I'm still plugging along. I've started to not worry as much about certain things, which I don't know if that's good or bad. But it is what it is. I decided I'm not going to stress about sleeping on my back, I'm not going to stress about eating lunch meat, and well, essentially I'm trying not to stress about too much. Which has me a tad discombobulated. I mean, I'm a stresser. It's what a do. I like to be prepared, but no matter how prepared I am, I stress. Well, for some reason I've taken a completely different mantra to this pregnancy. Heck, I'm barely reading any books about the whole thing. Can you believe it?!? It's not that I don't have plenty of reading material on hand (thanks to many friends!), but I just haven't felt the need to go pick them up. The good ole "What to Expect When You're Expecting" - you know, the Bible of pregnancies? Yah, haven't cracked it. WHAT IS UP WITH ME?!?! So not only am I not stressing, but I'm also not really preparing either. Oh well.

But I do need to vent about something today. Pregnancy. Three months (and that's if you're lucky) of feeling like you're in a constant state of being hungover, but without the fun the night before, followed by dry red eyes, breakouts, the "fat" stage (you know, where you don't yet look pregnant, just fat?), cutting out certain foods you love (aka, sushi!), and a whole host of other things. Don't even get me started on not being able to drink during football season. WHAT THE HELL AM I GOING TO DO?!? But, no, on top of ALL of this, your boobs get humongous. Yes, that is my vent today. The girls are huge. I'm feeling a little inappropriate at work even. Maybe I should quite my job and go be a Hooters girl. Oh wait, mine are REAL so that's out. Maybe there is a Hooters for pregnant women somewhere? Reminder to self: Look that up. Anyway, I'm feeling a tad, well, exposed. And I'm not liking it. But there's something worse. Men just get to sail through the entire nine months. And to top off the whole pregnancy experience, they get bigger boobs to look at as well. How is this fair?!? They don't have to outgrow all of their bras, all of their clothes, all the time being scared to death they're going to get cankles, and in the end push out an 8 pound baby. Oh no. They don't have to deal with any of that. But they get big boobs. Every guys dream. And they get it. Tell me, what did women do to piss off God that much?!? Was eating the apple THAT big of a deal?!?


That's all I've got.

On a brighter note, we have another ultrasound on Monday. Hopefully it will help me forget about my enlarged mammaries.


Amanda said...

men always think big boobs are just so super mega fantastic...BUT they are huge, and in the way and sticking out there...Ugh, its a hassle sometimes!
Keep your chin up Ashley!
(so they don't hit your boobs, haha!)

Betsy, La Vida Creations said...

Ha! You crack me up. It's funny because it's true ;)