Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Survey Part II

So I went to the doctor yesterday and, yup, baby's still in there. The heartbeat was going a mile a minute - but I hear that's normal. It's so weird to hear the difference between my heartbeat and the baby's.

Completely random and off topic, but one of my biggest pet peeves is bananas that don't open properly. You know the kind right? Where you try to open it and it doesn't split right and then you're fussing with it to open and then the top of the banana gets all mushy? Ugh. So frustrating. I only bring it up because as I was typing this, I was trying to eat my banana and that happened. And it's the second time this week!!! This bunch of bananas are being completely uncooperative.

Ok, back to the topic at hand. Since I just got felt up by the doctor I figured it was as good a time as any to update my survey!

How far along? 16 weeks today baby! (Doing this survey on Wednesdays appears to be becoming a theme....)

Total weight gain/loss? 4 pounds - gained. But I guess I can't complain.

Maternity clothes? Well I still just have the one pair of black Gap slacks and the Old Navy jeans (although I can't wear those to work, which makes me sad). I'm waiting for my new pair of khaki Gap slacks to come in. Oh, and I did just buy three dresses from the maternity store yesterday! But I'm not positive I'm keeping them yet...... they definitely will look adorable when I have a bigger belly, but right now, I'm not so sure. And I'm about to have to head into bigger tops. The girls are just popping out of my old ones!

Stretch marks? Not that I can see. I'm counting my blessings so far.

Sleep? Ugh, horrible. I read in one of my many baby books that about this time I need to start trying to not sleep on my back. Well, I sleep on my side a lot normally, so I didn't figure this would be a big deal. Was I wrong! I don't know why, but my hips are KILLING me! I'm assuming it's from sleeping on them and never taking the time to get on my back or stomach. But they hurt so bad. And I am waking up every 2 hours or so because they hurt and then I have to switch sides. I can't believe it. This is going to be a LOOOOONG pregnancy if this keeps up.

Best moment this week? Finally starting to feel decent again! I think I may be over that stupid viral thing I had!! YIPPEE! And it appears that the morning sickness may be gone as well. Thank the Lord!

Movement? Nope, still just indigestion! LOL

Food cravings? I'm still craving fruit and smoothies. But my new thing is definitely Icees. Preferably the cherry ones (although I broke down and got a coke one yesterday because I HAD TO HAVE ONE and they were out of cherry). I am LOVING them! Granted it's been a bazillion degrees out down here and they are very cool and refreshing! Oh, and I am somewhat getting my appetite back for meat. But it is definitely not something I crave.

Labor signs? Again, no. Thank goodness!

Belly button in or out? Still M.I.A. :-( I'm really starting to wonder what my belly is going to look like with this weird belly button thing I have going on.

What I miss? I miss sleeping on my back.

What I'm looking forward to? Starting the nursery!!! (Oh, and also starting to show .... more. LOL)

Milestone? I have a few. They may seem small potatoes to you guys, but they are big to me. (1) Buying new (and bigger) bras.
(2) I'm starting to feel better!
(3) Going into a maternity store and shopping for the first time.

Hope you enjoyed my update! I have another doctor's appointment in two weeks, but that is for another ultrasound, so I probably won't do an update. Stay tuned for the next one .... I think I may just update right after my doctor's appointments. It's an easy timeline to remember! Plus, I'll know whether I want to post my weight loss/gain! LOL

Happy Hump Day!


murphyec said...

I didn't worry about the whole sleeping on my back or belly thing when I was pregnant. Eventually I couldn't sleep on my belly anymore cause it hurt and I think at 41 weeks pregnant I was still on my back at times during the night.

Ashley said...

Good to know - thanks Em!

Vica said...

I was just going to second your other commenter. They try to scare you about sleeping on your back but it doesn't hurt the baby. The baby will get the blood flow and it only effects a small amouth of women who's legs and arms will fall asleep when they are on their back. At 32 weeks I still wake up on my back and sometimes go to sleep on my back. I HATE SLEEPING ON MY SIDE!