Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Tangerine or Clementine?

As I was trudging through the grocery store yesterday, secretly wishing to have a personal grocery shopper so that I could go home after work and watch awesomely-'80s reruns of The Golden Girls rather than be stuck in a semi-frigid Publix, I spotted a crate of clementines. Well, right then and there my day was made. I know - it doesn't take a lot. But I really do love this little fruit. Unfortunately, I very rarely can find them at Publix. And no, tangerines are definitely not the same! They may look the same. Observe:



But do not confuse the two (as I have done in the past). Let's go back a few months (or maybe years). I am enjoying a weekend at my parent's home in Pensacola. My dad is a big fruit person and they had all of these little "oranges" in a bowl. I had one and was immediately hooked. It was sweet, with just a hint of sour. Easy to peel. And best of all -no seeds! So when I came back to Tallahassee, I searched for my little piece of happiness in the produce section of Publix. I pick up several tangerines and put them in my cart. Now imagine my surprise - and ultimate sadness - when I got home and dove for one of these delicious fruits, only to find out that it wasn't what I ate in Pensacola. Needless to say, I was devastated. Ok, that may be a little dramatic. But I was pretty darn sad because now I had a bunch of tangerines that I really didn't want.

The thing about tangerines is that they have seeds. And I am adamontly opposed to seeds! I can't stand taking the time to pop them out of things! Take watermelon for example. Most people just flick the black seeds out and eat away. But not me. I can't stand the white seeds either! So eating watermelon is an entire afternoon of picking-out-seeds ordeal for me. Needless to say, I don't eat that much watermelon. Moving on. This is why clementines are so perfect: no seeds!

Eventually, I ask my mom what type of "orange" they had that fateful weekend and she solved the mystery for me. And ever since I have been on the hunt for clementines when I'm at the store. I don't get lucky that often. But yesterday the stars aligned and there was a crate of them. Right there. Calling my name. Who cares if I go out of town in 2 days. I HAD TO HAVE THEM! So I now have what appears to be 3 dozen clementines! I proceeded to eat 4 last night after dinner. And I have 2 for lunch. And I will probably eat another 2 as I cook dinner and then maybe another 4 after dinner. See a trend? I really do love them though. If you haven't had the opportunity to try a clementine, I really encourage you to do so. It's like a little burst of sunshine in your mouth!


Amanda said...

seriously - Clementines are my favorite!!!! I buy a crate and hide them away...then proceed to eat 7 in 1 sitting...and wash them down with 3 more...hehe.

RowdyReptile said...

Yep, I love clementines and just discovered them a couple years ago. I just don't know why they're only sold in crates and not by the pound. Costco often has them for far cheaper than Publix, too.

Ashley said...

Yah, I've only seen them in crates as well. But I love them and can usually finish the crate myself!

Brad - we finally got a Costco's but we aren't members and it's too far out of my way to become one. However, we will probably become Sam's members because it is closer to our house. Maybe they have them . . .