Tuesday, November 18, 2008

"I get knocked down"

So last May I made a deal with myself - I was going to sign up for a race! Yes, me - the person who only runs when being chased ... or trying to fit into a wedding dress. I decided that the Turkey Trot would be a fun little jont to aspire to. It gave me plenty of time to train (or so I thought) and it was located in Southwood - my little slice of heaven - which meant I wouldn't have to wake up as early. Hey, I treasure my sleep! Anyway, I was very excited about my new challenge and found a great website to help me "train." Unfortunately, life happened.... ok, maybe more like sleep happened ... and I kept falling behind on my training. Now, I am officially T-minus 9 days away from said race and STILL cannot run a full 5K. Please, no laughing. But I am still determined to do the race - whether I have to run or walk or crawl my way to the finish line. My motto: slow and steady wins the race! And I am such a good persuader that I have convinced my mom and loving husband to join me! Now....for a team name......?

Ok, so moving on to this morning. I am doing my morning workout and crossed a milestone: I ran 2 miles straight! "Hallelujah!" I'm feeling good about myself. I [gasp] almost find myself enjoying running. And then I start to get dressed for work. And find that multiple pieces in my wardrobe have somehow been altered!!!!!! Yes, it appears that somehow Cinderella's pet mice have invaded my closet and tailored them to fit someone with a flat chest and no hips. WTH???? I have been so disciplined and worked so hard (sometimes) and there is no change. In fact, a few pieces have gotten tighter - especially across the chest. How does this happen?? So sad and depressed, I trudge to work. And proceed to eat a bagel for breakfast. OH, maybe THAT'S how it happened..............

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