Wednesday, January 14, 2009

So I'm a little behind

I realize that it is now January 14th. Fourteen days into 2009. And I have not come up with my New Year's Resolutions, aka, things I always have good intentions of doing, but end up crapping out on within the month of January. Maybe this year will be different? Well, one can only hope. Maybe I should take a cue from my friend Amanda and call these my New Year's Goals. I guess resolutions and goals are somewhat similar, huh? Hmmm, let's find out.

resolution (rez-uh-loo-shun) n.
2. A resolve or determination
3. The act of resolving or determining upon an action or course of action, method, procedure, etc.

goal (gohl) n.
1. The result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end.

Ok, well, let's call these my New Year's Steps-to-Reach-a-Goal!

1. Work out more (and lately, just one day a week would classify as "more" - sad)
2. Work on food portion control
3. Continue to try new recipes
4. Concentrate on using patience
5. Try to be more positive (and I got a Positive Thinking book for Christmas - how ironic)

If you noticed, I did NOT say "lose weight." I have always failed on that resolution. It's such a hefty task to undertake and you set yourself up for failure if you aim too high. However, goal #1 and #2 are more or less working toward losing weight. But I figured I might be more succesful if I only have to concentrate on "working out more" or "watching my portions" rather than "I MUST LOSE 10 POUNDS NOW!" You know, that sort of mind manipulation crap. Whoops, there I go, already failing at goal #5. This is going to be a loooong year........

**Whoops, I just remembered I told some friends that "trying to play bunco" would be on my New Year's Resolutions list. I mean, really, what is bunco? It sounds like something you'd find at a rodeo. Like barrel riding or bull riding. Maybe it will be a new game where competitors run around trying to bob the rodeo clowns on the head. Now that might be fun. But I think the bunco my friends are talking about is the one with dice. So I guess I'll settle for something a little more tame. But one of these days I will get to bob a rodeo clown on the head; you just wait and see.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Awesome, better late than never! And these steps to meet your goals can easily be achieved!