Friday, February 20, 2009

Poll Time

I've decided to throw caution to the wind and plan a European vacation for this summer . . . well, more likely fall. I'm thinking we would go in September or October. But because neither Jeremy nor I have ever been to any country in Europe we are having difficulty picking a location. Decisions, decisions. Everyone knows I am horrible with decisions. Jeremy always tells me I can't commit. And my response is "I made the biggest committment of all: I married you! So I think one committment in my lifetime is enough." Hence, I appear to never be able to make a decision on my own.

Now money is not flowing freely at our home (unfortunately!), so as much as I'd like to take 2 weeks and travel to several locations it just won't be possible. I have a feeling we will be going for 7 days . . . maybe up to 10 days if we can find a way to do it cheaply enough. So, we are looking at only one or two locations, depending on if they are close enough together to travel in no more than a day's time. We have thrown out several ideas, but can't seem to settle on one. So I'm going to conduct a poll. I will let YOU tell me where YOU think we should go. Sounds like fun doesn't it?! Here we go: please direct your attention to the bottom of this blog, where you will find a poll. I apologize for the poll not being directly in this post - I had trouble figuring out how to do that. Hey! Give me a break, I'm still learning all this blogging stuff!

**Disclaimer: I am in no way obligated to choose the winning location as our vacation. So please don't be offended if I don't. But, I promise to take a serious look at the winning location before making my final decision. And if you don't like any of the options, please leave me a comment to this post and give your choice!


Woodland Fields Photography said...

I personally think the Prague/Budapest option sounds different. I voted for the cruise. I think that will be the cheapest option for you since you will not have to worry about paying for $15 for a coke. The food & beverages on the Euro would be the most expensive part of your vacation, but on the cruise food is provided and all you are doing is buying souvenirs using the euro. Plus you will be able to spend a full day in different european cities, then go back to the same hotel room every night.

Amanda said...

OMG! #1 You will both LOVE Europe. #2 I am totally jealous, I would give a finger or two to go back!

Paris area
Germany - I went to Munich
Switzerland is beautiful

Ashley said...

Amanda, so did you not vote on the poll at the bottom of the page??? (I know Cat voted on the poll and then Michele told me she voted, and it says only 2 people have voted on the poll). Go vote there! :-) And I'm assuming you're voting for "none of the above" and instead offering up these options in your comment?